Room C
![]() Control Room “C” consists of an Akai MG1212 (12 track) Recorder/Mixer tied to Cubase VST (8 tracks Digital via Alesis AI-3) on a Mac 9500 for MIDI projects, demos and commercial jingle work. A TL Audio Stereo Compressor/Mic-pre, LXP1, LXP5 w/MRC, Nakamichi MR-2 Cassette Deck and Sony A7 DAT fill out the room. Monitors: Tannoy PBM6.5II’s, Auratone C5C’s, Amp: Crown D60 Keyboards included are as follows: The ancillary gear is as follows: The room measures 13′ X 10′ X 8′ and is setup primarily for MIDI Production work. The ISO booth attached to “C” measures 7′ X 9′ X 8′ and is large enough for a small kit as well as multiple vocal work and is acoustically treated with a cantered ceiling, bass trap and wall splays. |